/home/ntakagi/work/STLport-5.1.5/stlport/stl/config/features.h File Reference

#include <stl/_stlport_version.h>
#include <stl/config/user_config.h>
#include <stl/config/compat.h>
#include <stl/config/host.h>
#include <stl/config/_system.h>
#include <stl/config/stl_confix.h>
#include <stl/config/_native_headers.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  std
namespace  _STLP_STD_NAME
namespace  _STLP_PRIV_NAME


#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_FOR_CONT_EXT   template <class _KT>
#define _STLP_UINT32_T   unsigned long
#define _STLP_ABORT()   abort()
#define _STLP_LDOUBLE_128
#define _STLP_LONGEST_FLOAT_TYPE   long double
#define _STLP_STATIC_MUTEX   _STLP_mutex_base
#define _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG(__x)
#define _STLP_NEW   new
#define _STLP_PLACEMENT_NEW   new
#define _STLP_STATIC_ASSERT(expr)   typedef char __static_assert[expr ? 1 : -1];
#define _STLP_ASSERT(expr)
#define _STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT(expr, diagnostic)
#define _STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(expr)
#define _STLP_DEBUG_DO(expr)
#define _STLP_WEAK
#define _STLP_DFL_TMPL_PARAM(classname, defval)   class classname = defval
#define _STLP_DFL_TYPE_PARAM(classname, defval)   class classname = defval
#define _STLP_DFL_NON_TYPE_PARAM(type, name, val)   type name = val
#define _STLP_HAS_WCHAR_T   1
#define _STLP_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR(_Tp)   allocator< _Tp >
#define _STLP_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_SELECT(_Tp)   _STLP_DFL_TMPL_PARAM(_Alloc, allocator< _Tp >)
#define _STLP_DEFAULT_PAIR_ALLOCATOR(_Key, _Tp)   allocator< pair < _Key, _Tp > >
#define _STLP_DEFAULT_PAIR_ALLOCATOR_SELECT(_Key, _Tp)   class _Alloc = allocator< pair < _Key, _Tp > >
#define _STLP_USING_NAMESPACE(x)   using namespace x ;
#define _STLP_VENDOR_STD   __std_alias
#define _STLP_STD_NAME   stlpmtx_std
#define _STLP_PRIV_NAME   stlp_priv
#define _STLP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE   namespace _STLP_STD_NAME {
#define _STLP_PRIV   ::_STLP_PRIV_NAME::
#define _STLP_MOVE_TO_STD_NAMESPACE   } namespace _STLP_STD_NAME {
#define _STLP_STD   ::_STLP_STD_NAME
#define _STLP_SIMPLE_TYPE(T)   T
#define _STLP_NO_DRAND48
#define __C_CAST(__x, __y)   ((__x)(__y))
#define __CONST_CAST(__x, __y)   const_cast<__x>(__y)
#define __STATIC_CAST(__x, __y)   static_cast<__x>(__y)
#define __REINTERPRET_CAST(__x, __y)   reinterpret_cast<__x>(__y)
#define __DYNAMIC_CAST(__x, __y)   dynamic_cast<__x>(__y)
#define _STLP_TYPENAME_ON_RETURN_TYPE   typename
#define _STLP_HEADER_TYPENAME   typename
#define _STLP_TEMPLATE   template
#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_FOR_CONT_EXT   template <class _KT>
#define _STLP_ASSIGN_MUTABLE(type, x, y)   x = y
#define _STLP_INLINE_LOOP   inline
#define _STLP_PRIVATE   public
#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_NULL   template<>
#define _STLP_NULL_TMPL_ARGS   <>
#define _STLP_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_DFL   = allocator_type()
#define _STLP_DECLARE_REVERSE_ITERATORS(__reverse_iterator)
#define __IMPORT_ITERATORS(_Super)
#define __IMPORT_SUPER_COPY_ASSIGNMENT(__derived_name, _Self, _SUPER)
#define __TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(__type)
#define __TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR(__type)
#define _STLP_TRY   try
#define _STLP_CATCH_ALL   catch(...)
#define _STLP_THROW(x)   throw x
#define _STLP_RETHROW   throw
#define _STLP_UNWIND(action)   catch(...) { action; throw; }
#define _STLP_RET_AFTER_THROW(data)
#define _STLP_THROWS(x)
#define _STLP_THROWS_INHERENTLY(x)   throw x
#define _STLP_NOTHROW_INHERENTLY   throw()
#define _STLP_BOOL_KEYWORD   1
#define _STLP_DEFAULTCHAR   char
#define _STLP_SHRED_BYTE   0xA3
#define _STLP_CALL
#define _STLP_PSPEC2(t1, t2)
#define _STLP_PSPEC3(t1, t2, t3)
#define _STLP_ARRAY_SIZE(A)   sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])
#define _STLP_ARRAY_AND_SIZE(A)   A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])

Define Documentation

#define __C_CAST ( __x,
__y   )     ((__x)(__y))

Definition at line 707 of file features.h.

#define __DYNAMIC_CAST ( __x,
__y   )     dynamic_cast<__x>(__y)

Definition at line 712 of file features.h.

#define __IMPORT_CONTAINER_TYPEDEFS ( _Super   ) 


typedef typename _Super::value_type value_type;                      \
    typedef typename _Super::size_type size_type;                        \
    typedef typename _Super::difference_type difference_type;            \
    typedef typename _Super::reference reference;                        \
    typedef typename _Super::const_reference const_reference;            \
    typedef typename _Super::pointer pointer;                            \
    typedef typename _Super::const_pointer const_pointer;                \
    typedef typename _Super::allocator_type allocator_type;

Definition at line 873 of file features.h.

#define __IMPORT_ITERATORS ( _Super   ) 


typedef typename _Super::iterator iterator;                          \
    typedef typename _Super::const_iterator const_iterator;

Definition at line 884 of file features.h.

#define __IMPORT_REVERSE_ITERATORS ( _Super   ) 


typedef typename _Super::const_reverse_iterator  const_reverse_iterator; \
    typedef typename _Super::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;

Definition at line 888 of file features.h.

#define __IMPORT_SUPER_COPY_ASSIGNMENT ( __derived_name,
_SUPER   ) 


__derived_name(const _Super& __x) : _SUPER(__x) {}                       \
    _Self& operator=(const _Super& __x) {                                    \
        *(_Super*)this = __x;                                                \
        return *this;                                                        \
    }                                                                        \
    __derived_name(const _Self& __x) : _SUPER(__x) {}                        \
    _Self& operator=(const _Self& __x) {                                     \
        *(_Super*)this = __x;                                                \
        return *this;                                                        \

Definition at line 892 of file features.h.


Definition at line 904 of file features.h.


Definition at line 907 of file features.h.

#define __STATIC_CAST ( __x,
__y   )     static_cast<__x>(__y)

Definition at line 710 of file features.h.

Referenced by __copy_integer_and_fill(), __distance_type(), __do_get_integer(), __do_put_float(), __find(), __get_base_or_zero(), __get_integer(), __get_money_digits_aux(), __get_short_or_long_dayname(), __get_short_or_long_monthname(), __money_do_put(), __put_float(), __put_integer(), __put_time(), __read_buffered(), __read_float(), __value_type(), _Incrementable(), _Valarray_base< _Size >::_M_allocate(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_assign(), __node_alloc_impl::_M_deallocate(), _Base_bitset< 1UL >::_M_do_find_first(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_M_do_find_first(), _Base_bitset< 1UL >::_M_do_find_next(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_M_do_find_next(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_M_do_left_shift(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_M_do_right_shift(), _Sanitize< _Extrabits >::_M_do_sanitize(), _Base_bitset< 1UL >::_M_do_set(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_M_do_set(), _Underflow< char, char_traits< char > >::_M_doit(), _Slist_base< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_erase_after(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_formatted_get(), _Rope_RopeRep< _CharT, _Alloc >::_M_free_tree(), _M_ignore_buffered(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_insert(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_M_is_any(), _Filebuf_base::_M_mmap(), _Filebuf_base::_M_read(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_skip_whitespace(), ios_base::_M_throw_failure(), _Filebuf_base::_M_write(), basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_xsputnc(), basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_xsputnc(), _S_apply_to_pieces(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_compare(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_concat_rep(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_destr_concat_char_iter(), _S_io_get(), _Base_bitset< 1UL >::_S_maskbit(), _Base_bitset< _Nw >::_S_maskbit(), _Rope_iterator_base< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_setbuf(), _Rope_iterator_base< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_setcache(), _Rope_iterator_base< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_setcache_for_incr(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_substring(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::_S_value(), _Slist_merge(), _Slist_unique(), _STLP_WEAK(), bitset< _Nb >::_Unchecked_test(), _UseFacet(), __allocator< _Tp, _Alloc >::allocate(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::assign(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::c_str(), _List_base< _Tp, _Alloc >::clear(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::clear(), num_get< _CharT, _InputIter >::do_get(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_date(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_monthname(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_time(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_weekday(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_year(), codecvt< _InternT, _ExternT, _StateT >::do_length(), codecvt< char, char, mbstate_t >::do_length(), num_put< _CharT, _OutputIter >::do_put(), money_put< _CharT, _OutputIter >::do_put(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::erase(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase(), fill(), basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::narrow(), __char_traits_base< _CharT, _CharT >::not_eof(), _Rb_tree_iterator< _Value, _Traits >::operator *(), _Slist_iterator< _Tp, _Traits >::operator *(), _List_iterator< _Tp, _Traits >::operator *(), _Rope_RopeSubstring< _CharT, _Alloc >::operator()(), operator<<(), basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::operator<<(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::operator=(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::operator>>(), operator>>(), __sum_storage_elem< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::operator[](), basic_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::pbackfail(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::pop_front(), pow(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::push_back(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::remove(), basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekoff(), basic_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::seekoff(), strstreambuf::seekoff(), basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::seekpos(), basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::setbuf(), stdio_streambuf_base::setbuf(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice_after(), strstreambuf::strstreambuf(), uninitialized_fill(), basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::widen(), basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits >::xsgetn(), basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits >::xsputn(), and basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::xsputn().


Definition at line 671 of file features.h.

#define __TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR ( __type   ) 

Definition at line 913 of file features.h.

#define __TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR ( __type   ) 

Definition at line 919 of file features.h.

#define __TRIVIAL_STUFF ( __type   )     __TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(__type) __TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR(__type)

Definition at line 922 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_ABORT (  )     abort()

Definition at line 203 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_DFL   = allocator_type()

#define _STLP_ARRAY_AND_SIZE (  )     A, sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])

Definition at line 1183 of file features.h.

Referenced by __get_floor_digits(), __write_float(), and locale::_M_throw_runtime_error().

#define _STLP_ARRAY_SIZE (  )     sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])

Definition at line 1182 of file features.h.

Referenced by locale::_M_throw_runtime_error().

#define _STLP_ASSIGN_MUTABLE ( type,
 )     x = y

Definition at line 755 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE   namespace _STLP_STD_NAME {

Definition at line 625 of file features.h.


Definition at line 654 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_BOOL_KEYWORD   1

Definition at line 1015 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_CALL

Definition at line 1120 of file features.h.


Definition at line 456 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1107 of file features.h.


Definition at line 143 of file features.h.

Referenced by find_end().

#define _STLP_DEBUG_CHECK ( expr   ) 

Definition at line 418 of file features.h.

Referenced by __adjacent_difference(), _DBG_iter_base< _Container >::__advance(), __construct_checker< _Container >::__construct_checker(), _DBG_iter_base< _Container >::__decrement(), __includes(), _DBG_iter_base< _Container >::__increment(), __is_sorted(), __next_permutation(), __partial_sum(), __rotate(), __set_difference(), __set_intersection(), __set_symmetric_difference(), __set_union(), accumulate(), adjacent_find(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::append(), vector< locale::facet * >::assign(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::assign(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::assign(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::assign(), deque< _Tp, >::assign(), binary_search(), copy(), copy_backward(), count(), count_if(), equal(), equal_range(), vector< locale::facet * >::erase(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::erase(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::erase(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::erase(), deque< _Tp, >::erase(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase_after(), fill(), find(), find_end(), find_first_of(), find_if(), generate(), inner_product(), inplace_merge(), vector< locale::facet * >::insert(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::insert(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert(), deque< _Tp, >::insert(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert_after(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::insert_equal(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::insert_equal(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::insert_unique(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::insert_unique(), iota(), is_heap(), lexicographical_compare(), lexicographical_compare_3way(), lower_bound(), max_element(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::merge(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::merge(), merge(), min_element(), mismatch(), next_permutation(), nth_element(), _DBG_iter< _Container, _Traits >::operator *(), operator!=(), operator-(), operator<(), operator==(), operator>=(), partial_sort(), partial_sort_copy(), partition(), prev_permutation(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::previous(), random_sample(), random_sample_n(), random_shuffle(), remove(), remove_copy(), remove_copy_if(), remove_if(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::replace(), replace(), replace_copy(), replace_copy_if(), replace_if(), vector< locale::facet * >::resize(), reverse(), reverse_copy(), search(), search_n(), sort(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice_after(), stable_partition(), stable_sort(), swap_ranges(), transform(), unique_copy(), and upper_bound().

#define _STLP_DEBUG_DO ( expr   ) 

Definition at line 419 of file features.h.


Definition at line 868 of file features.h.


Definition at line 870 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DECLARE_REVERSE_ITERATORS ( __reverse_iterator   ) 


typedef _STLP_STD::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator; \
   typedef _STLP_STD::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator

Definition at line 847 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1106 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR ( _Tp   )     allocator< _Tp >

Definition at line 460 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_SELECT ( _Tp   )     _STLP_DFL_TMPL_PARAM(_Alloc, allocator< _Tp >)

Definition at line 461 of file features.h.

_Tp   )     allocator< pair < _Key, _Tp > >

Definition at line 462 of file features.h.

_Tp   )     class _Alloc = allocator< pair < _Key, _Tp > >

Definition at line 467 of file features.h.


Definition at line 431 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DEFAULTCHAR   char

Definition at line 1023 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DFL_NON_TYPE_PARAM ( type,
val   )     type name = val

Definition at line 439 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DFL_TMPL_PARAM ( classname,
defval   )     class classname = defval

Definition at line 433 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_DFL_TYPE_PARAM ( classname,
defval   )     class classname = defval

Definition at line 438 of file features.h.



Definition at line 655 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1075 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1079 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1111 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1132 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_FIX_LITERAL_BUG ( __x   ) 

Definition at line 377 of file features.h.

Referenced by __fill_n(), __stl_hash_string(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_copy(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_inside(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_move(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_range_initialize(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_replace(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_replace_aux(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_replace_dispatch(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_replaceT(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::append(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::assign(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::basic_string(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::basic_string(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::compare(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::copy(), copy_n(), equal(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::erase(), fill_n(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_first_not_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_first_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_last_not_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_last_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::insert(), mismatch(), operator!=(), hash< const char * >::operator()(), hash< char * >::operator()(), operator+(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::operator+=(), operator<(), operator<=(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::operator=(), operator==(), operator>(), operator>=(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::replace(), and basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::rfind().


Definition at line 131 of file features.h.


Definition at line 990 of file features.h.


Definition at line 147 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_HAS_WCHAR_T   1

Definition at line 452 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_HEADER_TYPENAME   typename

Definition at line 733 of file features.h.


Definition at line 520 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_INLINE_LOOP   inline

Definition at line 769 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_KEY_TYPE_FOR_CONT_EXT ( type   ) 

Definition at line 743 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_LDOUBLE_128

Definition at line 246 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_LONGEST_FLOAT_TYPE   long double

Definition at line 250 of file features.h.


Definition at line 135 of file features.h.



Definition at line 633 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_MOVE_TO_STD_NAMESPACE   } namespace _STLP_STD_NAME {

Definition at line 634 of file features.h.

Referenced by __next_permutation(), __prev_permutation(), and __search_n().

#define _STLP_MPWFIX_CATCH_ACTION ( action   ) 

Definition at line 407 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_NEW   new

Definition at line 385 of file features.h.

Referenced by __stl_new().


Definition at line 1163 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_NO_DRAND48

Definition at line 703 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1164 of file features.h.


Definition at line 954 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_NOTHROW_INHERENTLY   throw()

Definition at line 976 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_NULL_TMPL_ARGS   <>

Definition at line 802 of file features.h.


Definition at line 556 of file features.h.


Definition at line 781 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_PRIV   ::_STLP_PRIV_NAME::

Definition at line 632 of file features.h.

Referenced by __stl_alloc_create(), __ucopy_n(), deque< _Tp, >::_Invalidate_iterator(), deque< _Tp, >::_Invalidate_iterators(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_append(), _Filebuf_base::_M_file_size(), vector< _Tp, >::_M_fill_assign(), __BVECTOR_QUALIFIED::_M_fill_insert(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_insert_aux(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_formatted_get(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_insert(), __BVECTOR_QUALIFIED::_M_insert_aux(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_insert_range_aux(), _Filebuf_base::_M_open(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_skip_whitespace(), _Move_Construct_Aux(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_compare(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_destr_leaf_concat_char_iter(), ios_base::_S_initialize(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_leaf_concat_char_iter(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_RopeLeaf_from_unowned_char_ptr(), _S_sort(), _Slist_merge(), _Slist_sort(), bitset< _Nb >::_Unchecked_set(), accumulate(), adjacent_difference(), adjacent_find(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::append(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::append(), vector< locale::facet * >::assign(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::assign(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::assign(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::assign(), deque< _Tp, >::assign(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::basic_string(), binary_search(), copy(), copy_backward(), copy_n(), count(), count_if(), deque< _Tp, >::deque(), collate< wchar_t >::do_compare(), collate< char >::do_compare(), time_get_byname< _Ch, _InIt >::do_date_order(), num_get< _CharT, _InputIter >::do_get(), money_get< _CharT, _InputIter >::do_get(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_date(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_monthname(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_time(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_weekday(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::do_get_year(), num_put< _CharT, _OutputIter >::do_put(), money_put< _CharT, _OutputIter >::do_put(), ctype_byname< wchar_t >::do_scan_is(), ctype_byname< wchar_t >::do_scan_not(), equal(), equal_range(), vector< locale::facet * >::erase(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::erase(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::erase(), deque< _Tp, >::erase(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase_after(), fill(), fill_n(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find(), find(), find_end(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find_first_not_of(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find_first_of(), find_first_of(), find_if(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find_last_not_of(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find_last_of(), generate(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::get(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::getline(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::ignore(), includes(), numeric_limits< long double >::infinity(), numeric_limits< double >::infinity(), numeric_limits< float >::infinity(), inner_product(), inplace_merge(), vector< locale::facet * >::insert(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::insert(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::insert(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert(), deque< _Tp, >::insert(), __BVECTOR_QUALIFIED::insert(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert_after(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::insert_equal(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::insert_unique(), iota(), is_heap(), is_sorted(), iter_swap(), lexicographical_compare(), lexicographical_compare_3way(), lower_bound(), _Locale_impl::make_classic_locale(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::max_bucket_count(), max_element(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::merge(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::merge(), merge(), min_element(), mismatch(), next_permutation(), nth_element(), _Not_within_traits< _Traits >::operator()(), _Rope_RopeSubstring< _CharT, _Alloc >::operator()(), _Rope_flatten_char_consumer< _CharT >::operator()(), hash< const char * >::operator()(), hash< char * >::operator()(), basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::operator<<(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::operator>>(), partial_sort(), partial_sort_copy(), partial_sum(), partition(), priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare >::pop(), power(), prev_permutation(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::previous(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::push_front(), numeric_limits< long double >::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits< float >::quiet_NaN(), random_sample(), random_sample_n(), random_shuffle(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::read(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::readsome(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::rehash(), remove(), remove_copy(), remove_copy_if(), remove_if(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::replace(), replace(), replace_copy(), replace_copy_if(), replace_if(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::reserve(), __BVECTOR_QUALIFIED::reserve(), vector< locale::facet * >::resize(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::resize(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::resize(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::reverse(), reverse(), reverse_copy(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::rfind(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::rope(), rotate(), search(), search_n(), basic_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits >::seekoff(), set_difference(), set_intersection(), set_symmetric_difference(), set_union(), numeric_limits< long double >::signaling_NaN(), numeric_limits< double >::signaling_NaN(), numeric_limits< float >::signaling_NaN(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::size(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::sort(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::sort(), sort(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice_after(), stable_partition(), stable_sort(), swap(), swap_ranges(), ios_base::sync_with_stdio(), time_get< _Ch, _InIt >::time_get(), time_get_byname< _Ch, _InIt >::time_get_byname(), time_put< _Ch, _OutIt >::time_put(), time_put_byname< _Ch, _OutIt >::time_put_byname(), transform(), uninitialized_copy(), uninitialized_copy_n(), uninitialized_fill(), uninitialized_fill_n(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::unique(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::unique(), unique_copy(), upper_bound(), vector< locale::facet * >::vector(), codecvt_byname< wchar_t, char, mbstate_t >::~codecvt_byname(), collate_byname< wchar_t >::~collate_byname(), collate_byname< char >::~collate_byname(), ctype_byname< wchar_t >::~ctype_byname(), ctype_byname< char >::~ctype_byname(), numpunct_byname< wchar_t >::~numpunct_byname(), numpunct_byname< char >::~numpunct_byname(), time_get_byname< _Ch, _InIt >::~time_get_byname(), and time_put_byname< _Ch, _OutIt >::~time_put_byname().

#define _STLP_PRIV_NAME   stlp_priv

Definition at line 617 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_PRIVATE   public

Definition at line 772 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_PSPEC2 ( t1,
t2   ) 

Definition at line 1151 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_PSPEC3 ( t1,
t3   ) 

Definition at line 1152 of file features.h.


Definition at line 302 of file features.h.

_TP   ) 


_TMPL inline bool _STLP_CALL operator!=(const _TP& __x, const _TP& __y) {return !(__x == __y);}\
_TMPL inline bool _STLP_CALL operator>(const _TP& __x, const _TP& __y)  {return __y < __x;}\
_TMPL inline bool _STLP_CALL operator<=(const _TP& __x, const _TP& __y) { return !(__y < __x);}\
_TMPL inline bool _STLP_CALL operator>=(const _TP& __x, const _TP& __y) { return !(__x < __y);}

Definition at line 1168 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_RETHROW   throw

Definition at line 939 of file features.h.

Referenced by basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_handle_exception().

#define _STLP_SIMPLE_TYPE (  )     T

Definition at line 699 of file features.h.


Definition at line 57 of file features.h.


Definition at line 1116 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_STATIC_MUTEX   _STLP_mutex_base

Definition at line 328 of file features.h.

Referenced by ios_base::xalloc().


Definition at line 361 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_STD   ::_STLP_STD_NAME

Definition at line 659 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_STD_NAME   stlpmtx_std

Definition at line 576 of file features.h.


Definition at line 56 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_TEMPLATE   template

Definition at line 737 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_FOR_CONT_EXT   template <class _KT>

Definition at line 744 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_FOR_CONT_EXT   template <class _KT>

Definition at line 744 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_NULL   template<>

Definition at line 775 of file features.h.


Definition at line 304 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_THROW (  )     throw x

Definition at line 937 of file features.h.

Referenced by _Locale_impl::_M_throw_bad_cast(), and locale::_M_throw_runtime_error().

#define _STLP_THROWS (  ) 

Definition at line 951 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_THROWS_INHERENTLY (  )     throw x

Definition at line 975 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_TRY   try

Definition at line 934 of file features.h.

Referenced by __copy_buffered(), __copy_unbuffered(), __get_num(), __pushback(), __put_num(), __read_buffered(), __read_unbuffered(), __ucopy(), __ucopy_n(), __ufill(), __ufill_n(), __uninitialized_copy_fill(), __uninitialized_fill_copy(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_append(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::_M_create_node(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_create_node(), _Deque_base< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_create_nodes(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_initialize(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_insert(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_insert_aux(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_formatted_get(), _M_ignore_buffered(), _M_ignore_unbuffered(), _Deque_base< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_initialize_map(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_insert(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_insert_range_aux(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_new_elements_at_back(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_new_elements_at_front(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_push_back_aux_v(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_push_front_aux_v(), basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_put_char(), basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_put_nowiden(), basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::_M_put_widen(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_terminate_string_aux(), _S_apply_to_pieces(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_balance(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_concat_char_iter(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_concat_rep(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_destr_concat_char_iter(), ios_base::_S_initialize(), _S_io_get(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_leaf_concat_char_iter(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_new_RopeLeaf(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_RopeLeaf_from_unowned_char_ptr(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_substring(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_tree_concat(), _Temporary_buffer< _ForwardIterator, _Tp >::_Temporary_buffer(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::append(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::get(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::ignore(), basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::imbue(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::insert(), deque< _Tp, >::insert(), _Catalog_locale_map::insert(), _Locale_impl::insert_collate_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_ctype_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_messages_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_monetary_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_numeric_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_time_facets(), locale::locale(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::peek(), priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare >::pop(), priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare >::push(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::push_front(), basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::put(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::putback(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::reserve(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::rope(), ios_base::sync_with_stdio(), basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >::unget(), and basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >::write().

#define _STLP_TYPENAME_ON_RETURN_TYPE   typename

Definition at line 727 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_UINT32_T   unsigned long

Definition at line 200 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_UNWIND ( action   )     catch(...) { action; throw; }

Definition at line 941 of file features.h.

Referenced by __ucopy(), __ucopy_n(), __ufill(), __ufill_n(), __uninitialized_copy_fill(), __uninitialized_fill_copy(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_append(), _Rb_tree< _Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, >::_M_create_node(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_create_node(), _Deque_base< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_create_nodes(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_initialize(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_insert(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_fill_insert_aux(), _Deque_base< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_initialize_map(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::_M_insert(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_insert_range_aux(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_new_elements_at_back(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_new_elements_at_front(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_push_back_aux_v(), deque< _Tp, >::_M_push_front_aux_v(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::_M_terminate_string_aux(), _S_apply_to_pieces(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_balance(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_concat_char_iter(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_concat_rep(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_destr_concat_char_iter(), _S_io_get(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_leaf_concat_char_iter(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_new_RopeLeaf(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_RopeLeaf_from_unowned_char_ptr(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_substring(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::_S_tree_concat(), _Temporary_buffer< _ForwardIterator, _Tp >::_Temporary_buffer(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::append(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::insert(), deque< _Tp, >::insert(), _Locale_impl::insert_collate_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_ctype_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_messages_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_monetary_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_numeric_facets(), _Locale_impl::insert_time_facets(), locale::locale(), priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare >::pop(), priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare >::push(), rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::push_front(), basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::reserve(), and rope< _CharT, _Alloc >::rope().


Definition at line 156 of file features.h.


Definition at line 930 of file features.h.


Definition at line 212 of file features.h.


Definition at line 353 of file features.h.


Definition at line 270 of file features.h.


Definition at line 656 of file features.h.


Definition at line 151 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_USING_NAMESPACE (  )     using namespace x ;

Definition at line 527 of file features.h.



Definition at line 545 of file features.h.


Definition at line 553 of file features.h.


Definition at line 558 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_VENDOR_STD   __std_alias

Definition at line 536 of file features.h.

#define _STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT ( expr,
diagnostic   ) 

Definition at line 417 of file features.h.

Referenced by __adjust_heap(), __construct_checker< _Container >::__construct_checker(), __equal_range(), __includes(), __is_heap(), __is_sorted(), __lexicographical_compare_3way(), __linear_insert(), __lower_bound(), __median(), __merge_backward(), __merge_without_buffer(), __next_permutation(), __partial_sort(), __partial_sort_copy(), __prev_permutation(), __push_heap(), __set_difference(), __set_intersection(), __set_symmetric_difference(), __set_union(), __unguarded_linear_insert(), __unguarded_partition(), __upper_bound(), _S_merge(), _Slist_merge(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::append(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::assign(), vector< locale::facet * >::back(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::back(), deque< _Tp, >::back(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::begin(), __debug_alloc< _Alloc >::deallocate(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::elems_in_bucket(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::end(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::erase(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_first_not_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_first_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_last_not_of(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::find_last_of(), vector< locale::facet * >::front(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::front(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::front(), deque< _Tp, >::front(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::insert(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::insert(), max_element(), hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Traits, _ExK, _EqK, _All >::max_load_factor(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::merge(), merge(), min_element(), auto_ptr< _Tp >::operator *(), _DbgCompare< _Key, _Compare >::operator()(), _DbgEqual< _Key, _Equal >::operator()(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::operator+=(), auto_ptr< _Tp >::operator->(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::operator=(), vector< locale::facet * >::operator[](), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::operator[](), deque< _Tp, >::operator[](), vector< locale::facet * >::pop_back(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::pop_back(), deque< _Tp, >::pop_back(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::pop_front(), list< _Tp, _Alloc >::pop_front(), deque< _Tp, >::pop_front(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::previous(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::replace(), basic_string< char, char_traits< char >, allocator< char > >::rfind(), slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice(), and slist< _Tp, _Alloc >::splice_after().

#define _STLP_WEAK

Definition at line 423 of file features.h.


Definition at line 694 of file features.h.


Definition at line 693 of file features.h.

Generated on Mon Mar 10 15:32:51 2008 by  doxygen 1.5.1